In November 2021 the Institute for European Studies of the Chinese Academy of Social Studies (CASS) and Eurispes presented the Research on carbon emission reduction paths and cooperation perspectives in the civil aviation sector between China and Italy, to the presence in videoconference of the ambassadors Luca Ferrari for Italy and Li Junhua for China. The initiative was supported by Chinese Eastern Airlines (CEA) and ITA Airways.
Civil Aviation is responsible for 10% of the overall carbon emissions of the international transport industry, with an increase of 29% recorded in the period 2013-2019. A growth rate that according to the forecasts of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) is destined to reach a peak of 25% of carbon emissions on a global scale by 2050, if urgent corrective measures are not taken.
The Report - in Chinese, Italian, English - can be downloaded from the following website: Chinese: http://ies.cass.cn/en/event/202111/W020211124582064892294.pdf Italian: http://ies.cass.cn/en/event/202111/W020211124582065307894.pdf English: http://ies.cass.cn/en/event/202111/W020211124582065682948.pdf
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